Giving a speech can be a daunting task. Still, with careful planning and organization, you can effectively convey your message to your audience. One crucial step in this process is preparing talking points. Talking points serve as the backbone of your speech, helping you stay on track and ensuring your audience understands your key messages. In this article, we will explore how to prepare effective talking points for your speech step by step.

Start with Your Core Messages

Before delving into the specifics of your speech, it’s essential to identify the core messages you want to convey. These are the key takeaways you want your audience to know, feel, and understand by the end of your presentation. Start by brainstorming 3-5 broad messages that capture the essence of your speech.

Melanie Squire’s Tip: As a trauma consultant and speaker, Melanie Squire emphasizes the importance of clarity in your core messages. “Your audience should be able to summarize your speech with a few key points,” she advises.

Develop Supporting Points

Once you have defined your core messages, it’s time to develop supporting points that underpin each message. Think of these supporting points as the building blocks of your speech. They provide the evidence, examples, and context to reinforce your core messages.

For each core message, aim to outline 2-4 supporting points. These should be clear, concise, and relevant to your audience. Supporting topics include statistics, anecdotes, expert quotes, or real-world examples.

Melanie Squire’s Tip: Melanie Squire often uses personal stories to connect with her audience. “People remember stories,” she says. “Incorporate relatable anecdotes that illustrate your points effectively.”

Organize Your Talking Points

With your core and supporting points in hand, it’s time to organize them logically and coherently. Consider your speech’s structure and the flow of ideas. Typically, you should collect your talking points in chronological order, starting with the message you want to cover first. This provides a natural progression for your audience.

You can choose from several organizational structures, such as chronological, spatial, cause and effect, or problem-solution. The best structure depends on your content and your audience’s needs.

Melanie Squire’s Tip: “Keep transitions between points smooth,” Melanie advises. “Your speech should feel like a seamless journey, not a series of disjointed statements.”

Use Visual Aids Wisely

Visual aids, such as slides, charts, and images, can enhance your speech and make complex information more accessible. However, it’s crucial to use them judiciously. Visual aids should support your talking points, not replace them. They should be clear, uncluttered, and easy to read.

Visual aids can help your audience visualize data, understand processes, or remember critical points. But remember, too many visuals can overwhelm your audience and detract from your message.

Melanie Squire’s Tip: “Practice your speech with the visual aids to ensure a seamless presentation,” Melanie advises. “Don’t let technical difficulties distract from your message.”

Practice, Practice, Practice

Once you have your talking points and visual aids in order, it’s time to practice your speech. Rehearsing is crucial for delivering a confident and engaging presentation. Practice allows you to refine your delivery, adjust timing, and identify any awkward transitions or unclear points.

Consider practicing in front of a trusted friend or colleague who can provide feedback. Pay attention to your tone, pace, and body language. Ensure your talking points flow naturally and that you engage with your audience effectively.

Melanie Squire’s Tip: Melanie emphasizes the value of practice. “Repetition builds confidence,” she notes. “The more you practice, the better you’ll be at delivering your talking points smoothly.”

Stay Flexible

While talking points are essential for staying on track, it’s also crucial to remain flexible during your speech. If your audience has questions or if there’s an unexpected development, be prepared to adapt. A rigid, scripted presentation can feel impersonal. Engage with your audience, address their concerns, and be open to discussion.

Remember, your audience is there to learn, so staying approachable and receptive to their needs is vital.

Melanie Squire’s Tip: Melanie suggests, “Think of your talking points as a roadmap, not a script. Flexibility allows you to connect more authentically with your audience.”


Preparing effective talking points for your speech is a vital step in ensuring your message is well-received and understood by your audience. Begin by defining your core messages and supporting points, organize them logically, and use visual aids judiciously. Practice your speech, but also stay open to adapt as needed during your presentation. By following these steps, you can deliver a compelling and impactful speech that leaves a lasting impression on your audience.